And here it is: The blog that I have been pondering making for a very long time.
Obviously I will need a lot of practice to figure out my style with this, so bear with me.
Obviously (also) there's a lot of my life that is uncovered in this, but allusions will surely be made.
But let me start with yesterday: May 16, 2009.
Yesterday I woke up in a La Quinta hotel room somewhere in TN at 8:30 am. I was with Chelsea, Alison, Susanne, Rob, Alec, Keitan, and Jesse, and we were getting ready for pirate week at the renaissance festival. After putting on tons of clothes, make-up, jewelery, and squishing 8 people into a van that was packed with stuff we were fully piratized and ready for a day back in the 1500s.
It was the usual overpriced henna tattoos, barbarian food, jousting, romeo and juliet, and meeting Queen Elizabeth I. The things that made it memorable were the unusual, such as flying kettle corn, Alison sharing her lemonade with a guy at a stand who looked like he had herpes, the statment "all my ex-girlfriends are masochists," saving instruments from a flash flood, and turning the car into a dressing room in the cracker barrel parking lot.
All in all I thought it was a pretty sweet experience. It was all very hectic and adventurous, which is what I live for.
I wish I had some before pics, but chelsea has yet to upload them so they will probably be in the next blog-but here are some after the strom pictures from the car:
Go up....I guess.
(Like I said, I'm learning.)