Friday, December 27, 2013

What can you feel for Yourself, Your loss, For me?

 "The bereaved may express fear of losing emotional control and mental faculties and many are frightened by the intensity of their own feelings."
–Hospiceworld on grief, bereavement, mourning

It can help to write it out. Feel, write, feel, express.
–Kelly Zenn

Fiery orange emerges on the horizon as the sun dips past the hills. Another day passed. Neither she nor the day seemed to notice each other, the sun rising and falling without touching her pale skin. Her only recognition of the passing days seems to be her continued reliance on the sun’s respite for her own sleep. Tuesday is quickly fading into the past, but she does not remember the day, which of the billions, she is currently living through as she retches into the toilet. The soup she heated on the stove just 40 minutes ago re-emerges, now causing spasms in her esophagus, still warm. Her mind locks onto yet another piece of her past that she wishes she could get back: lack of any appetite. She was withering away, quickly losing lbs, but at least it was passive, rather than this full-bodied physical repulsion. Starving her grief was much less unpleasant, now all she can focus on is food… eating her way to renewed happiness, but she never finds it. Along with having to deal with the stomach bile, she has the added pain of feeding her grief–giving it life. As it grows she feels it overtaking–her entire being becoming overheated and pressurized. No longer able to be ignored, the fiery pain pushes her from inside and out, attempting to squash her into nothing. Perhaps she should let this happen; perhaps she would turn into a diamond. She knows that is wrong, though. If she gives in she will not magically transform, she simply won’t ever be able to get back up. So, she wipes her mouth, swigs some water and Listerine and attempts to re-immerse herself in her reading, her way of escaping the pressure.

She cannot seem to submerge her own racing mind under the author’s words. Frustrated, she wonders how much longer books will be able to hold her–she’s been able to read for shorter and shorter stints before the dark-eyed images appear full force in her mind. Maybe she should just lie there and let them take over; maybe attempting to ignore them will just prolong their stay. But she knows better, she’s tried that trick before and they always return. The dead black eyes of her mother’s corpse are now embedded into her existence. She throws the book down, upset that it is only 324 pages and it has taken her more than two days to get halfway through it. She has a lot of books to read, a lot of worlds to visit and words to ingest, but the tears are streaming down her face now and everything is blurred. She stands up, wraps her blanket around her shoulders and runs to the bathroom, turns on the shower, and hopes the steam will help to calm her… she knows where this is going and she does not want to go there. She is hovering over the sink, snot dripping in slimy streams into the basin. She looks at her face and feels an overwhelming sense of pity. The first flare of flames: “WHY!” She punches the mirror. Why can’t he be here to snap me out of it, how could he leave me like this, I needed to hang onto him, fuck him. “FUCK!” She bangs her forehead on the edge of the sink. For a moment, there is a peace, but just one moment and then the intensity resumes and her body starts to shake. She falls on the floor, huddled on her side, sobbing. You can do this, please, you can get out of this! She thinks this to herself, but she can’t see anything but black anymore and she isn’t sure if she can resurface on her own, she hasn’t been here by herself before, he was always there for her, until he wasn’t. Her thoughts raced by so quickly she couldn’t assess any of them, just swirling, and a deep ache in her stomach. She has forgotten herself, now. Just as she begins digging her nails deep into her creased forehead, attempting to rid herself of the pressure, she stops. Her body falls limp and resumes a steady pace of breathes.
The cold floor is the first thing she notices when she comes to. It is as if someone pressed the reset button and now she has to try again. Malfunction; reset! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Airport Rants and Musings: 1

It is 4:45 am on Monday, Nov. 25, 2013–a month and a day since my mother died. I have been travelling in airports since 12 pm Sunday. And I will not arrive to my final destination until about 8 am tomorrow.

NashvilleàDallasàDenveràPortland [arrive 12 am Monday]
Sleep in PDX 12:00-3:30 am, leave ticketed area [for approx. 20 mins. To check in], go back into ticket area
PortlandàDenveràIceland [arrive 6:35 am Tuesday]
Keflavik, take 45 minute busàReykjavik
Arrive at destination! Hope Alex’s apartment isn’t a far walk from bus station!

I told my father I was safely at Princeton with Alison. I feel bad about that, however, it needed to happen if I was going to keep up my secret travels. It adds a shitload of thrill to this whole adventure and I honestly believe it is what I needed right now… some type of absurd, not too crazy, but exciting adventure. Running away to a different country fulfills that pretty well. It is empowering to know I can do it on my own, and withstand roughly 40 hours in airports/airplanes at such a tumultuous time and still make it through okay.


I remember the last time I flew with my mom that I can remember. I was beginning my journey to New Zealand, she was going to New York, I think, and we both had layovers in Dallas, but her flight was later than mine. She managed to get onto the same flight as me, though, from Nashville to Dallas and was just so so giddy! The flight attendant came and told me my mother was on the flight, and pointed to where she was sitting and there she was, waving at me from across the aisle two rows ahead with the biggest unhindered grin. I could hear her talking to the man next to her about how she had managed to get on the same flight as her daughter, and talking joyously about it for at least 15 minutes, probably more. I was so embarrassed. I was 18, just about to head out for my big independent journey. I wish I had been as joyful as she that day. If I had the chance to re-experience, I’d take full pleasure in those few hours I had with her before I set off on my own. 


To Kelly. My baby–you have always been so much mine. My heart, my soul–I love you–I will always be with you.
–Mom (and Pokey)

Airport Rants and Musings: 2


Her gift to me, closing her eyes so young–too soon, was a lesson to open my own eyes wide… while I can. Fight the raging depravity in the world, in my life, and in myself. Capture each moment as precious, regardless of the feelings the moment is made of. A precious moment of hate, a precious moment of love, of laughter, joy embarrassment…. I am not sure I can follow this lesson fully, not yet. But at least I know to open my eyes and just begin to see.


I believe in souls. I believe in them because I can feel my own soul rage against my body, wanting to erupt. I feel it in the darkest of my places, when my body shakes and leaks… my soul pushing outward, feeling too much, more than my body is equipped to handle. My skin gets hot; I sweat. A scream strains silently in my throat, pushing upwards, putting pressure on my neck, eyes, head. If I let out a guttural scream, will that free a piece of what needs to explode? Will it lessen the pressure or the pain? I am not sure, but greedily, I continue to suppress the noise–keeping all of my soul trapped within me. Foiled, it attacks my brain: kill yourself, kill yourself, kill your body, let me be free, this is not enough, your body cannot contain me. Let Me Free.
How familiar this feeling, though–the suppressed and pressurized yell, the water from my eyes–to great joy! A desire for my soul to burst fourth–from elation!–out from the imprisonment of my body. Perhaps the answer is to work with my body, bring it up to standards with the rest of me. Let it live up to the yearnings of my soul. Let my body free.


                                   There are clouds on the ground and mountains in the sky, 
it all depends on how you see.

Monday, November 25, 2013

To Observe. To See.

Perhaps if we all spent one day—start to finish—experiencing, or just observing, one microcosm, we would all learn a little bit, understand a little bit, feel a little bit more. Everything has a start and a finish, whether it be dictated by time—hours, sunlight—or other forces such as one's own ability to function after exerting X amount of energy after X amount of time. 

Can you see?

Watching one family as they go about their day; as an airport starts up then wanes down; as a community rouses then sleeps; as a business opens, shifts, then closes; as an animal wakes, lives, rests; as a tide pool becomes then disappears. What would you see? What would you learn? I am unsure. But why would you ever do anything you knew the outcome of?! 
Where is the life in that?