Monday, May 9, 2011

Time Capsule

It is May 2011, and today I opened my time capsule from May 2008, the end of my first year in high school.

Now I am graduating. I am done. I am moving on and pursuing greater paths!
This becomes more and more true as May 29 rolls closer and as my classes begin to end. I only have two more AP tests and then as far as I'm concerned High School is over for me! This is the first time senioritis has hit me since I had never had, and still do not possess, the security of a college-however I'm 14 days away from the end and my AP tests are almost over. HUZZAH!

The only things I have to worry about are English-oh, Heart of Darkness, why!-and Newspaper, which I currently have under control.

Anyways, I know I should be viciously attacking my Comparative book for information, I had been studying it so diligently before I got sick but now I'm way off track and I have to cram. :p (that's not a happy tongue-sticky-outy face), however blogging about my time capsule just seems crucial.

I put so much work into it. I was easily the person who put the most stuff into it and it paid off. I had pictures and old writing pieces, lots and lots of notes to my [future] self and just random stuff that reminded me of who I was my freshman year.
And basically? I was the same person. Philosophical, passionate, emotional, confused...the only difference seems to be that I've grown in every aspect-I'm the same person I just have many many more experiences to add to my "self."

Interesting. Interesting. Interesting.

I'm going to pry open comp. now, but I still do promise a Melting Chocolate Cake post, I'll get to that when I get to cleaning my room, which will be next week-I'm so excited to have a clean room!! Yay time!

And it's official, I got the internship at Holton Farms. Yip Yip Hurray! So one semester down, one to go.


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