However, today I was glad of my addiction, because I saw that Alison had commented on Duncan's excited status about NYC "When? I'm going tomorrow…"
I called her up and within 3 hours she had arrived at Penn station, after my prodding that she come a day early to see The Blue Man group with us (though it was originally her idea).
Duncan, Alison, Kate, James, Cadance, Hazel and I all met up at astir place and then went to Chipotle before the show. It was really great having all of us together again. Like a BG reunion.
The neat thing was that we were able to get in to see the show for free. Well, almost free. The catch was that 2 of us had to be part of the show–as the late arrivals. And since I'd seen it before we decided that it should be the two newcomers.
We had a blast, and it was really cool being so close to the stage. I've seen the show twice before, but never that close. It was a totally different perspective. As usual, the show was amazing. I loved hearing Ali an Duncan laugh though…it confirmed that I was "showing them a good time."
Afterwards we asked the house manager, who was the one who let us in, who is a close friend of Kate's, if there were any dessert places nearby and he directed us to chickalicious, which was indeed DELICIOUS!! Pricey, but oh-so-worth it. Duncan purchased a caramel dream typa yummy,

When we got back outside it was sprinkling, and chilly, and windy. And we had to try to figure out how to get back to the apt. by ourselves. And we were on the lower East side and wanted to get to the upper west side. We spent a long time looking at a map not realizing that it was actually a bus map and eventually mapped a route that ended up taking us to 148 lennox station… which wasn't exactly where we wanted to be–but it was close. Only about 5 blocks away. The annoying thing was that we planned to get off at 145, but the doors just didn't open so we rode it to the end of the track…it was very odd.
While we were waiting for the 7 to get us crosstown there was a man in the subway playing the sax that must've been on some sort of drug because he would play some, then slouch over and act like he was about to fall asleep only to pop back up after a few minutes and play some more. Yeah, well he started playing sexy sax man and we all got really excited and nostalgic.
Once we made it back we rejoiced with a little chit, Duncan fell asleep on the couch, and Ali and I finally went to bed around 2.
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