But it turned out to be more-mean more-to me than I could've ever expected. Honestly, what I imagined was getting to hang out with Alex and then while he was in class or busy, I would just read, write, or work on gathering info for New Zealand. Oh, was I wrong wrong wrong.
Hendrix quickly became home. I made a significant number of friends, all with very different and very enthusiastic personalities who I miss dearly. I wish I didn't have to leave...that I could've just stayed there until I had to take off for New Zealand. Alas, I couldn't overstay my welcome. And I knew, no matter how often my friends would say STAY STAY STAY-I would become a burden after another week. They did have to pay for my meals, after all.
It's crazy to think that before I went there I was nearly set on Eckerd, now it is the opposite. Of course, there's still a good chance I'll end up down south, if they give me an equal amount of money to attend, but at least at this point, I know I'll be happy in either place.
But what did I do during my stay?
I, along with Matt and Alex, spilled 5 gallons of hard cider all over an on-campus apartment's kitchen and spent hours cleaning it up. I baked cookies from scratch on valentines day and then shared them with the students chilling in the lobby at 11 pm. I spent a morning in a park with Alex reading and deciphering poetry and then attended his poetry class that afternoon. I also attended Thomas's 375 Philosophy of Religion class-that was a good one! A bunch of friends and I went up to Matt's house and just had a chill day-some brewed, some watched movies, most slept. I met lots of incredibly nice and interesting people who's aspirations and down-to-earth values astounded me. I ate really good cafe food. I fell in love with cheesy bread!! I learned, more thoroughly, not to judge anyone based on appearance. I made pierogis from scratch in the dorm kitchen (that was kind of challenging). I pondered the life of a fish. I had an unexpected romance. I found a friend who never ceases to engage me in deep intellectual conversation. I went to an ABC party that was busted by the cops. I helped take care of a too-drunk prospie. I was a canvas for henna practice. I watched and enjoyed while friends delighted in their musical passions. I watched A Beautiful Mind. I spent an entire afternoon sitting in the sun, writing down my thoughts and pondering certain revelations, many related to my the results of my meyers briggs test (ENFP). I met a guy who took a gap year last year and spent 5 months in New Zealand. I shopped for an hour at a local flea market. I ate vietnamese with people I barely knew. I became part of the Hendrix community. I fell in love with the school.
... I also got sick.
The last two days I was there I was much more tired than usual and had a sore throat. But I didn't think much of it until the day after I got home when I woke up with a 101 fever and am still recovering.
That aside, it was a wonderful time. I miss being there, and am very much looking forward to next fall when I can go back, even if not there, then a similar place where I can make friends and meet more amazing people.
Since being there I've also gotten more into music. I sing more... or did until I lost my voice completely. I also practice piano everyday and asked my father to bring my drumset back, though I have yet to play it since I'm at a loss for headphones that fit the jack. What I'm really yearning for is a Ukulele...but that may have to wait until after New Zealand. Oh well. At least I'm finally pursuing some long-term hobbies, and I think this will stick.
Until next time-
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