Here we are, now at the last week of my New Zealand adventure. I believe I did a pretty good job of explaining my feelings about that in my last post, so in this one I'm just going to look ahead for what's gunna be happening this week.
Yesterday, as I was on my way to the IEP office after a stop at an old-style cafe where I sipped on a moccacino and read the NZ times, I looked across the street and saw a familiar face-Andre! He's the one who had nearly sliced off his hand. It was extremely amusing to me since during our goodbye in Kerikeri he told me that he just assumed that we'd see eachother again, probably in Auckland since that's just how things seemed to work around here. I laughed, but was pretty sure our paths would not cross again. But look at that! He was right... oh what a crazy world. We had a short chat before he hopped on the bus to go to the airport, and this time it was another forever goodbye.
The forever goodbye is awful. While you're going through it you keep telling yourself that you aren't going to see them again, but you never actually beliveve yourself until their gone. And then it hits you that this person with which you spent many months with and created a deep connection with is going to be out of your life forever. But I always end by saying that our paths may cross in future travels, and that is entirely true. The world is a big small place, with surprises around every corner.
Today I will say bye to George and that will be my final painful goodbye. But then tomorrow I am off to waiheke island to wwoof for a small family until the 6th of July! My least favorite part of traveling in this way is over!! I hated not knowing where I was going to sleep the next night, and often having to plan the day as the day comes. A bit of that is good, but not when it is a constant and involves where you're going to live. I'm now totally set until my departure for home. SWEET AS!
Unfortunately, the home I'll be staying with isn't absolutely supreme, in that they basically just want me to help the husband with the kids and the housework while the wife is away for her work. I'll be alone throughout most of the day since the kids will be at daycare and the father will be at work. So I may end up having a very self-reflective birthday. But hey, I can go down to the beach and reflect there! Or to the top of the hill which overlooks all of the islands in the Auckland region. It'll be me and nature for the start of my 19th year, I'd say, that ain't too shabby. ;) And I may still attempt to get a pavlova in celebration. The wife, Rachel, returns home on the 4th so I'll have a couple days of good full family time before I return to Auckland city to do some shopping and tie up a few final threads, such as closing my NZ bank account which, I'm pretty sure, will be nearly empty. :p God, NZ, you are so expensive!
And that will be that. boom. done.
I'm off to go book my ferry ticket to the island then spend a day with my friends that are still in the city. And then, of course, tonight is flight of the conchords! bitchin.
That's right, Joe and Parker, I'm going to see your idols. ;-p be jealous. hahah
my love is sent as always!
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