But my week was basically the same as the others, except that on Friday Tess arrived! The new intern…or prospective intern. Though I'm pretty sure she's gunna stay. Also on Friday, there was a frost warning for that night, so we had to scramble to get things ready.
And i mean, come on! A frost in September? Jen and Kai kept saying it was the shortest growing season ever. So yay for that! :p
I wonder what this means for my internship. I mean, technically it goes until Nov. but if everything starts freezing before then, they may run out of things for me to do! But, we are going to grow peas and spinach, which are both winter crops, and Jen is hoping to get a winter greenhouse going, which will be warmed by chickens! So If that works out, then hopefully I'll still have plenty to do and learn.
Have I mentioned that I've been learning a TON? And I actually think I'll retain it! Unlike the stuff I learned in high school, which I now remember very little of. I'm obviously a very hands-on learner. Reading is just not my ideal way of learning! I mean, even the books I read for fun I barely remember.
Uhm, anyway, so I spent most of Friday pulling the tomato plants in Joey, because a frozen tomato plant equals…mush. So we have tons of green tomatoes! No seriously, we may actually have at least 1 ton of tomatoes….
We also had to cover a few rows of the most fragile plants with agerbond and make sure the greenhouse was secure.
And of course, when Tess got to the farm, around 5, she was pretty much immediately put to work. What an interesting start! haha
Tess is from VA, so we're both southerners! Which seems crazy since both Jimmy and Katie were from around here.
She seems nice, a little intimidated by the schedule, maybe. But she's thinking of getting some land herself, so I guess she'll learn if she actually likes it or not before she goes completely into it, which is a good thing to figure out!
Tess also hasn't been around garlic at all her whole life! And guess what's next week? Garlic fest!! And guess which farm is super-mega-excited about that? CHANNERY HILL! We eat garlic in almost everything. The other day Jen made some toasted garlic to go over our fried green tomatoes (which are awesome, btw) and I ate the toasted garlic alone, it was so good!
I can totally understand how scary stories came about since working here. Last Thursday I was working alone at the farm all day, as usual, and in the barn there was a howling wind and the barn doors kept clanging and it was extremely dark… definitely a spooky environment.
My weekend at Clark was basically like this:
Get there super easily, no trouble except a little traffic
Meet Mike, JoAnna's cute gay friend
Eat at the cafe' where this oh-so-lovely jock was holding up the whole line because he was being difficult and bossy. Goodness. This is also where I met another of JoAnna's friend, Molly
Head to Boston for hempfest! While we were there I kept having feelings of utter excitement just because I was in the city and there were so many possibilities and so many people! Just so different from the farm, and I needed that.
We met up with Corinne and I met her new friend, Kelly. They love Suffolk and seem to be having a great time in Boston…I may have to look into colleges there.
Head back to Clark, but make a pit stop to get JoAnna's NOSE PIERCED! I'm also pretty sure one of the girls who worked there was trying to come onto me. Maybe I need to reassess my boyish haircut…. Anyway, apparently it hurt, the jabbing a hole through the cartilage part. But the piercer was really nice and obviously experienced. But I'm proud of JoAnna for actually getting it done. Idk if I'd be able to.
Pick up Molly, and go eat at a REALLY sketch chinese place…I was afraid to eat the meat.
Drop Molly off, then JoAnna and I sat in the car for a bit and watched a bunch of upperclassmen head to a party…it was kind of sad.
Go to bed!
Wake up to JoAnna' roomate's boyfriend's bare butt as I happen to wake up right as he's putting on his boxers. GAH!
Eat this:

I'm thinking I gained the freshman 15 in just that day!
JoAnna gave me a tour of the campus, it's pretty small but has really pretty rooms and a super nice library.
We went to see a movie at the blackstone mall which is about 20 mins away and it was such a legit theatre! haha I even got a blue icee just to make the experience more of an 'experience'. :p We saw "I don't know how she does it." It was certainly a feel good movie that I'd recommend renting, but not seeing in theaters, unless of course you really just need to go to a movie theatre–which we did.
Head to Friendly's and eat lots of food including a giant ice cream lava cake thing. But the waitress gave JoAnna this ice cream thing that wasn't exactly what she'd asked for (JoAnna ordered the lava cake, but didn't get any cake…) and gave me 3 extra toppings!
Head home, as in, begin my four hour drive back to the Catskills.
The reason the trip seemed so short was because I wasn't able to leave on Friday night since we had too much to do to prepare for the frost. Oh well.
It was a pretty chill weekend, all-together, but certainly different than my day-to-day farm life! :p
I feel as though there are always so many things that I think about that are insightful in some way, and I always think to myself: I should write that down. But I never do, and therefore, I always forget what I thought.
Oh well. I'll end this post with that. Hopefully I'll actually remember some of my thoughts for the next post!
And here's a whole bunch of pics from Hempfest! Mostly of the weirdo hippie circle, and the guy with the interesting hair and ironically normal socks who was directing the dancing, basically. He would come up to people's faces and spout the lyrics at them excitedly, and then put his arm around them and dance with em.