Monday was mostly just putting everything back after the hurricane, which was basically just putting the high tunnels' plastic back on. High tunnel 2 was done for, though, so we just put up plastic on 1 and 3. It took all day, with Katie and I spending most of the day tying knots. I learned how to do a rams horn knot and a clove stitch and…something else like a half stitch…or something. But we also hooked the loose end of the twine to a pocket knife and then threw it over the tunnels to the other person. That was fun.
After Katie left I decided to go explore the area and see if my brakes would stop squeaking if i drove, and they did. It was kind of crazy leaving the farm–it was the first time I left since I had gotten there and I just went to Peck's market in jeffersonville to get some groceries, then to the gas station to get snacks, and as I was leaving, I saw a building that said "Kelly's Korner," and low and behold, it sold ice cream–the item I've missed most since beginning the internship.
So, I still believe in fate.
Kai also left monday night and so that was the first night I had eaten dinner alone. And it was a very sad affair in comparison to the past week.
And the rest of the week followed that pattern, I would work with Katie during the day and eat dinner solemnly. Most of my day was filled with thoughts of how it was and how it could've been if no one had left. How much better the days could've been.
To say the least, I was having a hard time coping.
And on Wed. Sebastian finally broke down too. Unfortunately, it was on my behalf.
So, I went in for a snack and saw some graham crackers on the table. I took one, stuck a marshmallow on it, and then Sebastian came in.
And this was the dialogue:
-That's my graham cracker!
-Oh! I'm sorry
-Why did you take my graham cracker?!
-I didn't know it was yours, I'm sorry!
-Why didn't you know it was mine?
-I just didn't know
-But my mommy said she was putting it out for me!
-I didn't hear her
-Why didn't you hear her?
-I was doing something else
-But why weren't you paying attention!?
-I was busy! I'm sorry! Here, you can have this one back
-I'll get you a new one
-But here, look! (I opened both packages looking for one that wasn't broken) Uh, idk if I can find one that isn't broken…
-I'm going to tell my mommy!
And then he did. This entire conversation happened with his crying escalating and my freaking out escalating.
Great. As if I didn't already feel inferior to Jimmy in his relationship with Sebastian….
I've been trying! I just can't do the same things Jimmy could do. I'm at least 4 in. shorter and in general, am smaller than he is, so I can't roughhouse and play the same way Jimmy did.
Nor have I ever been any good with kids.
So that aspect kind of sucks.
Thursday Jen and Sebastian went to the city for the CSA drop. Sebastian and I talked the night before about how he liked playing with Cadence, and he wanted me to call her and ask if she'd come visit him in the city. So I did, and I knew that they'd have fun.
Katie and I finished most of the things on the to-do list, which was a nice surprise for Jen when she got home. It was surprising though, since Katie left for an hour since she had to go home and turn off the generator and I basically took off an hour and made pancakes. But, a lot still got done, so that's good.
I also got to meet Katie's dog, a full chocolate lab. She was quite big! But very quiet and sweet.
Friday was cooking!! In the morning I began clearing Candice so we could plant spinach and chard. But in the afternoon Jen gave us cooking lessons! That was really fun. I learned how to brine and roast a chicken (in theory…), how to make squash-a-ganush (in theory…) and it's an extremely tasty chip dip that Jen made the recipe for, and how to make pumpkin syrup, which is my personal favorite. There are now jokes about how I mainlined it and that people would walk into the kitchen and see me injecting it. hah. I did eat a lot of it…
But yeah, the syrup originated from Jen's kitchen on the hurricane day to go along with the squash pancakes Kai made. There's quite a bit of awesome food here. At least, most of the time. :p
Saturday I continued clearing the row. I cleared from 9 to 3 with only one break to use the bathroom. I began to wonder if I was even actually alive by the time I finished. I had been alone in the field doing the same repetitive, mostly brainless, activity for 6 hours. So I did begin to go a little crazy.
It was even hard for me to readjust when I finally did go in for lunch. People were talking to me! So i guess I wasn't dead….
Around 5 I left on my journey to the city. This was quite an adventure. But I will talk of it in a different post. This is already long enough. :p
Here's my major forearm tan!!

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