Jimmy came back last night, so we finally have all the interns together, which meant, things went by quickly. I picked tomatoes while Jimmy picked beans, while Katie picked cucumbers. So much more can get done with more people.
Something about picking tomatoes–you would think that you'd only pick the ripe ones, however, that's not how we do it here. At the first sign of color, you pick it because apparently there's some chemical that helps it to continue ripening after the first flesh of color, even if it's off the vine. Neat, huh? It helps so that you have less rotten tomatoes, because if you wait to pick until their ripe, you may miss some and then they'll rot more quickly. Whereas if you pick them before they're ripe, you're less likely to have rotten tomatoes since, even if you wait a few days to pick again, it'll be okay!
(euck, that sentence got crazy. I lost my train of thought. Hope you understand)
But anyways, today was just like the others, chores, daily tasks, lunch dinner, ya ya. The only difference was that Sebastian started soccer! Woo! He is an only child here in the middle of the county, so it gets kind of lonely for him, therefore, soccer is a good remedy.
He came home complaining of the mean boys who got it into his goal, and we had to explain to him that that was just part of the game. It's funny, i've never thought about having to teach kids how to understand sports where the other people are trying very hard to do something you really don't want. It seems to go against some of the other values we teach kids, such as, don't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you.
Eh, weird.
Because he started soccer, though, Jen and Kai were both gone in the evening, leaving just Jimmy and I to do evening chores. This is when I learned that there is a hose right next to the barn, so when you have to fill the chicken water, you don't have to drag the hose all the way from the greenhouse to the barn. :-p
That knowledge would've saved me a good deal of time had I known it earlier. oh well!
And then we got done a little early, close to 6:30, so I took a shower and Jimmy went down to the gas station cuz he was hungry and just couldn't wait for dinner. hah. What an appetite.
I'm still learning the lay of the land around here. I'm afraid to venture out because I'm certain I'll get lost…but hopefully I'll figure it out in the three months that I'm here.
We'll see!
Oh! and this was also the day Jen made pizza soup. It was amazing. We shall market it and become rich. AND the soup was made entirely of the things we harvested right outside. AMAZING!
This sweet little one is named Banjo. She's the only girl.
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