So, here's a recap.
(On my calendar in my room, I write down a small phrase to represent what happened that day, or at least, what the most important part of the day was for me. So I'm going to use those phrases as headings.)
The Return
Not much to say for this day, I basically just had to get back into the groove of things. I woke up late because I was so exhausted from the drive and I think mostly worked on hanging beans with Jen and Katie. It's really fun working with them since they make each other laugh much, and then because I'm there, I get to laugh along with them without even cracking a joke!
Cooking for 36
so, I actually wrote something on Tues, here's what it is:
Today I made pumpkin syrup for all 36 CSA shares.
It took all day.
I have never cooked that much in my life.
I feel accomplished.
But it's still another nostalgic night. Too lonely of a dinner.
The Firing.
It turned out that there really was no "firing" per se, just a conversation and a letting go. So, I'm now the solo intern. It was kind of a crappy day all around. It rained all day and it was cold, but we couldn't skimp on work since it was CSA pick and process day. But with just Jen and I, the work took a LOT longer.
Uhhg. Oh well, at least I enjoyed hanging the lettuce at the end of the day..
Which looks like this!

Solo Farming
Jen and Sebastian went to the city for the CSA drop off, so the farm was in my sole care. It was a slow day. I wasn't used to so little getting done! But I did pull all the Alan beans and set them to dry, finished hanging the lettuce, started a compost pile in the field, and picked some huckleberries. Along with chores and all that…oh yeah! And I made kale chips! A few burned tries, and I finally got it mostly right.
I actually liked my day alone, though. I hadn't gotten a day completely alone since… a very long time. And I got to make pancakes! Aunt jemima, of course. :p
Mastering the Machines
So let's see, I started the day picking basil. As I picked I realized that I'm actually kind of a perfectionist on the farm, in certain jobs. Unfortunately, there isn't time for perfection! Logically I know this, but I'm having a hard time translating what I know to what I do.
After about, what felt like, a half hour the noon alarm rang.
Yes. I just spent 3 hours picking basil and thought only a half hour had passed. This was perhaps one of the most jarring things that has ever happened to me. I can't explain the feeling, but just imagine that much discrepancy in what you think and in what is real.
I then did some exploring and even saw a couple bobcat cubs! Which was kind of cool, but they will eat our chickens, so that's not so cool.
After lunch I learned how to use a weed wacker, drive a full size tractor (it's a stick shift!), and use the smaller, but more difficult tractor. I then mowed some of the field with that last beast. It flung me around a little but I eventually got the hang out it.
Jen took some pics of me driving the big tractor for the first time. I'm sure they're amusing with the faces I would make when I'd let off the clutch and the giant machine would lurch forward. But you'll have to wait to see those, since Jen will have to first find time, and then upload and email them to me.
Visit Kate
Today my biggest achievements were:
hauling nearly 200 lbs up a small hill
learning how to make falafel and basil pesto
getting into the city without ANY problems at all, and making the trip in a little under 2 hours!
So huzzah! I'm in the city safe and sound for now.
It's been a big week, but the weeks are going by quickly it's crazy to think how much I do and learn in such a short time.
I'm also finally getting used to being the only live-in intern, and well, the only intern at all. But that will soon end. Next weekend, Tess, a prospective intern, is coming up for a trial run and she'll probably end up staying. Unfortunately I might not be there that weekend to help her out. Fortunately, I might be in Boston with JoAnna! And I may even get to see Corinne while I'm there! DOUBLE FRIEND WEEKEND!!
Well that's it for this week. Stay tuned for next week's adventures! :p

So, I'm not sure if this is normal, but there were police with giant guns on the toll booths that lead to the GW Bridge. It may be just because it's the weekend on 9/11.
Oh, and btw. I was complaining to Emily about the lack of testosterone on the farm, and she sent me this lovely picture!
you're welcome :P