This begins chaos. haha
Tess and I only had time to move the squash to the barn before Kate, James, the kids, and the photographer came to the farm. We then scrambled around looking for a small table and tablecloth, but ended up just using a stump from Jen's workshop.
Soon after we got everything set up, though, it started pouring. And I do mean literally pouring. I was outside for about 2 seconds and I was drenched. Within 5 minutes a small creek had formed in the yard, and I ran around trying to make sure everything was okay including the high tunnels, which were beginning to fill with water and tug at the plastic. It's a good thing I checked them!
By the way, everything we planted is coming up! It's astonishing, really, to think that just a tiny seed pod could produce such amazing plants. Nothing's big yet, but the peas came up very quickly. Sooner than it said they would on the package. So I'm very very proud. Kinda like a proud mamma. hah
Recently, though, we've noticed that something has begun eating our peas!! It may be a vole, but we're unsure. I really hope some of them survive.
Anyway, after a long while a break came in the rain, so everyone ran out to the set and the photoshoot began. It turned out splendidly. It wasn't sunny, but I honestly thought it was better that way, with the clouds just off in the distance, rising from the mountains. Here's a few pictures:

My favorite shot!
So the rest of my week was balancing work with having my sister and her family up at the farm. It was fun! But tiring.
Friday night was really awesome though! We made perogies from scratch! I made the dough (apparently I'm pretty okay at making dough) and we all helped make the fillings, there was a green tomato filling, a regular tomato filling, and a sauerkraut filling. And then we actually fashioned them. That was really fun. Jen showed us a trick–use your elbow to made a perfect little pocket for the filling. Tess and James were skeptical, but it worked for me!
Kate took pictures, but I don't have them yet, so I'll post them when I get them.
And then we feasted, and they were amazing! We ate them with caramelized onions which are just… heavenly. It was a great night.
The kids seemed to like the farm. By the end of their visit they even liked the mud! And Cadence and Sebastian really hit it off. I'm proud of Cadence, learning to stand up for herself and say "no, I don't want to wrestle" or even, "no, I don't want to hold your hand right now."
Oh how young it starts….
I let her and Hazel feed the chickens and gather eggs, which they loved. And I showed them good ol' Sophie. I think they really enjoyed it. I certainly hope they did at least.
On Sat Jen took them to a bus station and she went help a friend with a theatre gig, so Tess and I babysat Sebastian. I was kind of sad, though, because I had planned to go to Yale then–but it ended up working out well because Kate could leave a bunch of stuff in my car so they had a lighter load, and Tess and I went to the city the next day.
The funny thing was that an hour or so after they left the farm, James called and said he had my car keys! So we all panicked for a few moments and then began figuring out possible ways to get the keys back. I looked up Kai's number and they called him and sure enough, he was in the city and was planning on taking the train back to the farm that night! So they set a rendezvous point and gave him my keys.
And that is how my car keys went on a roundtrip from farm to NYC twice.
I'll start with Tess's first trip to NYC on the next post!
We had an Awesome time visiting!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the girls did totally love it. Definitely worth a reprise if we can make it work. Thanks for putting up with us!!