In the morning we cut up the rotten potatoes and got them ready to become french fries! Which we would do for lunch.
But before we could actually make the fries, we had to cut some wood so we could get the wood stove going. At first I was really excited about that, but then I learned we'd have to use the chainsaw, and that scared me just a wee bit.
But I'm not going to say, "no! I will not learn how to use a chainsaw!" So I learned, and it was AWESOME! I feel so accomplished now that I can use it! And I'm still definitely a beginner, but I'm surprised by how well that machine and I got along.
Sometimes it wouldn't start for Tess and I'd go over and yank it-and for some reason it would start up right away. Who knows….
I also got over my fear of using the chainsaw. They're certainly dangerous, but as long as you're really careful and pay attention, you'll be fine.
So the whole morning was spent cutting wood. It was exhausting and we got filthy from the wood chips, but I really enjoyed it. I think we may cut even more wood on Monday, so I'm excited about that.
I really just feel like a total badass now that I can use the chainsaw.
The rest of the day was spent making french fries from the rotten potatoes we had cut, and chatting with a photographer from Germany that was part of a workshop in Sullivan county sent on an assignment to capture "transitions" with the camera. I didn't get a lot of time to chat with him, but what he said was very interesting. He talked about the protests on wall street and said it was odd that the American people are so afraid of their government. He doesn't think it should be that way. I agree. He seemed to be saying that the protests gave him some hope about America. I wish it could give me the same hope. Maybe in time it will, but right now I still feel like there's no way to save...everything.
And now, I'm caught up!
I've told you a little about Yale already. It's buildings are beautiful. And seeing Michelle is wonderful. Frat parties are gross. And I'm so 100% in love with the dining hall buffets. AHG SO MUCH AWESOME FOOD!
Soon I will go with Michelle to have dinner with Bernardo. And then get back home so I can begin another busy week of farm work. yippee!!!
The chainsaw makes you more a man than most of your man friends. And the sexy pose makes you more of a woman than most of your woman friends. You're like a super gender.