Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just life

The rest of the week was slow, too. At least, slower than usual. Or perhaps slow isn't even the right word, maybe less packed would be more fitting…I'm not sure. Anyway, because we didn't have a CSA last week we put a ton of stuff in this week. Though, nothing that needed to be refrigerated and nothing that had to be picked since we had so much stuff left over from the frost.
We packed:

So lot's of goodies! And it was nice because we could just sit in the living room and sort–so we ended up watching Scrubs all day. And it was AWESOME!
I had forgotten how much I loved Scrubs. And it reminded me of home…

Thursday was one big surprise.
Normally Jen and Sebastian wake up at 6, head to the city, make the dropoffs, and come home around 6 or 7. Never in the history of this farm have only interns gone. But today? This was the day that changed. I woke up, went to the chickens, and immediately asked Tess why the jeep was still here and she said that Jen was sick. So I thought-ah, another day here with Jen. But then Tess also said, and she wants us to do the dropoffs. And at the moment my jaw fell and I couldn't stop repeating: "what?!"
For some reason that was so beyond the realm of possibility to me, but lo and behold, within an hour I was driving the jeep straight to NYC–the institute for integrative nutrition to be exact. And it all went pretty smoothly. Tess and I even stopped at dunkin donuts on the way back. Oh! and to make it more interesting we had a cat delivery that day since a couple of Jen's friends are going on a vacation and so we're watching their cats. They dropped them off at ATC, our second dropoff point, and we lugged em back to the farm with us.

Woo!! so that was one fine day. At least I now have a grasp on the grid system. I'm feeling more and more like a native city person.

Friday was cold and wet. So we cleaned out a bit of the barn and moved the temporary cats in there, Tess and I cleaned the chicken coup and I made more bread! This time I mad War Bread, which is a blended grains dough with a bit of wheat flour, molasses, and rolled oats. It's pretty tasty! The dough is a whole lot harder to knead, but I think it's worth it since it makes more bread and it tastes better, in my opinion.

And Saturday was awesome. Everything about it just felt like I was at home. Not BG home, but a new yet just as comfortable home. We made green tomato pie, some sugar cookies with leftover pie dough, and everyone went out to the old cow pasture and we picked apples! Or rather, Kai climbed the tree, shook it, and everyone else gathered the fallen fruit. It was awesome.

And After lunch we went to a slow food event where we made apple cider out of our apples! It involves a couple big machines to produce as much as we did, but it's essentially pulverizing the apples into a pulp, and then putting a ton of pressure on that pulp to push out the juice. It tastes amazing. Best apple cider I've ever had. And we brought home 4 gallons of it so that'll probably last us 3 days. It made me really excited for the christmas season when I can have hot apple cider made by my dad. It's really yummy! The whole day actually reminded me of christmas. It was awesome. But did make me anxious to go to home home.

As soon as we got back from the slow food event I hopped in the car and drove to Princeton to visit with Alison. I must say, Princeton is beautiful. Best architecture I've seen on any campus. Last night we saw Drive with Ryan Gossling. It was really entertaining…I couldn't peg it as any one style of movie. I suppose it was action–but it was just…different. Anyway, now I have a celebrity crush on Ryan Gossling. He's perfectly hunky. :)

oh yeah, and the movie, soda, and popcorn were free. So that was awesome.

We also went to Hoagie Haven, which is apparently quite famous, and split a Sanchez, extra dirty. It was a sub with cheese sticks, chicken, and french fries…and lots of special sauce. It was crazy. I regretted eating it afterwards-but it was altogether a good experience.

And now I'm chillin in her dorm, having my daily argument with Parker, eating cookies on her bed. Ahh, real life–not good, not bad. Just life.
All day we've just been sitting in her room basically, but it's all good since I need some just sitting. It's my favorite activity! :p

and Brunch here? amazing! They have chocolate fountains!

the end. Tune in next week for next weeks update!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you're blogging all this Kelly. I miss you so much, but I'm insanely proud and happy that you're living life so well, and writing about it so well. Love you.
