Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Idea

I've decided to try something different for this blog of mine.
It will hopefully become a place where I recommend and disapprove movies for the readers. Think of it as a site you can go to if you have a random urge to see a movie but don't know what to watch. I can direct you to something worthwhile.

So, it will work as follows: I will have a starter post of a review of my top favorite movies, and various lists of other movies that I have seen and enjoyed. It's kind of a cool way to get to know a large part of me (and my family, since I take after them in taste) since I am becoming quite the movie buff.
But it isn't all about me ranting on about how good my tastes are-I would enjoy feedback on what the pros and cons of what I have recommended were for you. I am also open to suggestions about any movies you have seen and would like to share, or just requests for different reviews on different movies. If you want me to add more PG movies or just a different genre or foreign films, I certainly will; all you have to do is respond and say "more PG, Horror, Japanese, etc..." and I will devote a post to that(those) specification(s).

I would love it if this actually works, but I need feedback from you...and hey? if it doesn't work there are plenty of possibilities out there anyway.


  1. Don't waste your time on anything without nudity and nobody likes to read movies. That's what books are for.

  2. Cash, I didn't know this was you until now.
    You can imagine my confusion.
